Samuel E. Warren Jr. The Prophet

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Religion Dupes Government Editorial by Samuel E. Warren Jr.

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Religion Dupes Government


Coat of Arms

of the

Czech Republic

by Samuel E. Warren Jr.


An Associated Press news article reports that the Czech Government signed a deal to pay compensation to religious groups and return property.


Here is what is wrong with this deal.


Government, all governments, in theory, represents ALL citizens. You are born into a government as a citizen.


Religion is like a Golf Club House, they can have their “exclusive memberships” that only allow certain people under certain conditions to experience the perks of wealth and privilege at the top.


You can choose to “join” or reject a religion.


Religion Addicted Governments


Too many governments of The Nations Of The World are already “drug addicted and dependent on Religion.”


These governments are “hooked”, which means they have to “rely” on their ranking religious officials to give them their “daily fix” or “blessing” to be able to do the job of government.


These poor governments are too “hooked” to ever try to “sober up” or find a “rehab” to allow them to operate without their religious “suppliers.”


When a government can not make a decision until it first clears or waits for the religious officials to tell the secular officials how to rule, then, citizens are nothing more than sheep in the field grazing away, while the coyotes and wolves sleep off their full bellies and dream of their next meals.


The theory of government is the leaders are suppose to lead and figure out how to make life better for their citizens in the Real World.


The theory of religion is it is suppose to make people feel better in troubled times in the Real World and offer a hope of a meaningful afterlife.


Government produces no product or service like a business. Government is essentially “hot air” that dedicated individuals use to move forward to turn ideas into reality.


Religion produces no product or service like a business. Religion is essentially “hot air” that tries to inspire people to move forward to create a better life for themselves and a belief that there is an Afterlife.


Sleep Sheep Citizens


When religion fails to inspire people, then, religious officials use the emotions and inspiration to move forward to create a better life for themselves in the Real World at the expense of the sleeping sheep citizens.


When religion dupes government officials into being “slaves” then everyone suffers because now, “the holy people” call the shots and they get away with everything.


Sleep sheep citizens do not object because the holy people are suppose to be the shepherds that will save them from the coyotes and wolves of the Real World.


Sleep sheep citizens of the world forget an important lesson of reality. Rack or lamb and lamb chops are not just for coyotes and wolves. Alas, religion has been known to “sacrifice” citizens for the faith overall.


A dictator has to worry about public opinion and growing resentment that will topple his or her government and have him or her running for exile.


Religious No Jail Card


Religious government officials do not have to worry. They smile.


After all, who gets to arrest or “bust” God ?


Who is going to serve Allah with an arrest warrant ?


Who is going to clamp on the bracelets and put Yahweh in the back of the police cruiser to take into custody ?


Answer: No One.


Since religious officials realize that their God or Goddess can not physically be arrested in the Real World, they, play the fairly safe and certain gamble that no law enforcement official is going to put handcuffs on a religious official and take them into custody.


Low ranking religious officials might have some cause for worry, but, the brass at the top doesn’t loose too many sleepless nights of worrying about life behind bars.


Alas, God or the Supreme Being is the Best Defense Attorney Of All because while some secular officials would not have a problem of handcuffing a religious officials; some hesitate because of the “What If” factor.


The What If Factor


What If I am arresting a true servant of God ?”


What If I arrest this holy man or this holy woman; what will happen to my immortal soul ?”


Wake up, boys and girls !


First, a true servant of God would of worked hard not to get in a situation that is going to put them behind bars.


Second, if the person is a true servant of God some type of “Miracle”, however, minor, will happen to clear the person.


God does justice; not injustice.


Third, God gave you your immortal soul and chances are good that he isn’t going to take it away because you arrested a holy man or a holy woman at a protest rally.


After all, in the area of law enforcement, you were doing your “earthly job” to put food on the table.


Citizens Of The World forget religious officials should be respected, but, it doesn’t mean they get a “FREE Pass From Pain And Suffering” anymore than anyone else on the planet.


While government officials may respect religious officials; it does not mean any religious official in the Universe has the right to tell a government official how to do their job.


God outranks everyone.


God or Goddess is credited with Creation Of Everything, then, He or She naturally gets to have The Final Say.


God’s so-called “Representatives On Earth” are, at the end of the day, just a man or woman, who believes they are acting in the best interest of the Supreme Being.


The Martyr Play


What happened in Czechoslovakia in 1948 was horrendous.  


All citizens; not just the religious ones were affected.


To make an effort to set the record straight, then, government should look at the best way to compensate and try to help mend the lives of all citizens.  COMMUNIST CZECHOSLOVAKIA COAT OF ARMS 1961 TO 1989_EMAIL


It is sad that circumstances cost the lives of religious officials.


However, religious officials sometimes put themselves in “harm’s way” to play the “martyr.” The gamble is that they will escape unharmed. Tanks don’t recognize ecclesiastical collars. Bullets do not acknowledge crucifixes.


Faith is wonderful, but, “Common Sense” and science separates the preacher in the pulpit on Sunday morning from the dead Christian martyr in the street on Friday afternoon.

Communist Czechoslovakia Coat of Arms 1961 to 1989


No doubt, some of the religious people, who intentionally or accidentally, offered themselves up for “martyrdom” thought they would inspire a “revolution for freedom.”


The reality of the Real World is when a citizen stands looking at massive amounts of armaments, firearms, explosives and the people trained to use them; logic suggests the citizen step back and look at the situation.


Pick Your Battles


The average citizen realizes, “There is a time and place to pick your battles.”


When it is obvious that the opposition is holding all the cards and is displaying the cold, hard force of machines of death and destruction – you get the crystal clear message.


The citizen understands it will take planning not emotion to respond to the visible threat of heavy armaments and munitions pointed in your face.


It took years for the Czechoslovakian citizens to rise up and triumph, but, they did. They won back their government and their nation.


Now, the government want to do the right thing. It is admirable. It is responsible.


However, the citizens – NOT – the religions should come first.


God’s Baseball Teams


Religion is an extracurricular activity.


Before people came up with the idea of sports, obviously, society came up with the idea of people getting together to socialize and the basic frame of reference was the ability to relate to a Supreme Being.


Of course, once the first person picked up a tree limb and hit a rock; it was all over.


At that point, the idea of golf or baseball had logged into the primitive minds of hunter-gatherers and farmers and in time, “Sports” would bring people together faster than “Religion.”


The officials of the Czech Republic might wish to take another look at the past in terms of the money and property and realize that citizens’ claims should probably be addressed before God’s Baseball Teams Get Back Out On The Field And Start To Swing For The Stands Again.”


Citizens First



Yes, no doubt, the former government took away some property from the churches. Obviously, that government also took away the homes, farms and businesses of people.


People are fragile. People only get so many years to live their lives. The government should seek to compensate the citizens, who suffered and return their property first.


Religion Can Wait


Religion is an eon’s business. The religions will all still be going on long after all the government officials are dust. The religions can afford to wait.


People paid good money for their homes, farms and businesses. It makes sense that the government should first restore the financial security of the citizens before the religious organizations.


Religion is a business, but, Religion is also a “Perpetual I Have My Hand Out” operation that always seeks donations to stay in business.


A religion on it’s best days can convince people to “give up” or “allocate” one tenth of their hard earned salaries to the religious coffers.


If that is a decision that someone wishes to make for their religion, then, it is their decision to make.


A religion goes “Fat Cat”, when they integrate themselves into government because now ALL the citizens are paying not just for government but for religion as well.


Religious governments have the luxury of relying on taxes, rather than, the generous hearts and goodwill of the citizens.


Religions not in control of a government are like businesses, they have to get out and “sell.” They have to do their best to convince people they have a “product or service”.


Many people “play it safe” and provide a few coins of the realm, “just in case” there is some truth because it is always better to be safe than sorry.


Government Can Say No


Nonetheless, government as a Real World Entity should be able to stand up to a Religion and say, “No.”


Governments like Religions go on for generations and eons.


The various forms of government may change over time, but, there is always an entity or body in place to provide public order and some services from a local to national level.


Government can afford to say No and not worry about a possible Afterlife because government always remains in the Real World.


The Super Power Of A Government


Therefore, the Czech Republic, on behalf of their Real World citizens, may wish to rethink their signed agreement. Granted, they have already signed the document.


However, government can be flexible. Government can respond to the wishes of citizens and should to be a “Government Of The People.”


Governments are composed of humans and humans make mistakes and sometimes act without all the facts or considerations of their actions and the possible consequences.


A Government has One Major Super Power that A Religion will never have.


A Government can change.


Religions chisel their dogma and doctrine in stone and find it virtually impossible to change with the times.


A Government publishes their Laws on paper. The books can be bound and placed on shelves for reference.


A Better Law can replace and Old Law.


A Government can change every four, six or more years.


The Legal System Of A Government can change based on the passage of Laws.


A Law may last for 20 years or a Law may only be good for a couple of years.


Government has the flexibility to change a Law. Government can choose to enforce a Law or ignore a Law.


A Law can be printed in the books or a Law can be repealed, shredded and deleted.


The Super Power Of Government is Change and the ability to use the Law to bring about Change.


The Major Weakness Of All Religions are They Are Buried In The Past and have to seek out someone to Resurrect Them Into A Real World Of Change Without Violating Doctrine And Dogma.


Czechoslovakia Coat of Arms

after the

Velvet Revolution

1990 to 1992


Buy The Land


The Czech Republic’s Social Democrats can look at their constitutional laws again. The nation’s atheists are citizens too and it would be some of their tax dollars that would compensate religions that they have chosen not to “join.”


Returning property – real estate that has a financial value to a religion – is possibly not a good idea.


In the Real World, if someone wants a piece of land – the person has to come up with the money to “buy” it.


Throughout history, religions always seem to end up with “prime” real estate. Sometimes the church, synagogue, temple, mosque or other religious body received the property through a “will.”


If you go farther back in World History, sometimes religious officials in the companies of military units simply told the monarch that they wanted the property and the religious body got it.


Use The Land


God, Yahweh, Allah, Goddess, The Supreme Being Of The Universe doesn’t need the Land.


As The Supreme Creator, “technically” He or She would already own it all anyway.


Since the Supreme Being already created and owns all the Land anyway; it would seem an intelligent Supreme Being would want his flock to use “the prime real estate” for farming, housing, commercial ventures and other purposes to help people rather than just waste vast tracts of land to collect dust and an infrequent tourist.


If a congregation wants a piece of real estate, then, the congregation should be able to “pay” for it.


For The Public Good


Government keeps the “Eminent Domain” card in the deck of government actions.


If the government decides that “the public good” would be better served than a particular religious faith, then, the lawyers should be able to find the legal precedent for the government to take control of the land or decide “the public good” would be better served by auctioning off the real estate and having those funds deposited in government treasuries for the benefit of all citizens.


It is noteworthy that the Czech Republic wishes to move forward in a positive direction on the world stage. It is only respectful to applaud their effort.


But, it would be wise to suggest that all citizens should benefit first from a positive move forward, rather than, an exclusive group that has been around for centuries and can be expected to be around for centuries to come.


Types Of Government


Democracy is not an easy form of government. It is not perfect.


A Religious Government means you have to jump through hoops, you have to hang on to traditions that are so old no one can remember why they are done. After you go about fulfilling all the religion prerequisites, then, you can get down to government.


A Dictatorship is “A Fan Club Government.” You don’t cross the person at the top. You become their “Yes Man” or “Yes Woman” and you get to “Fat Cat” through the trials and tribulations of life as long as your good buddy is sitting pretty at the top.


Unfortunately, though, when a dictatorship comes apart, everybody dashes out into the parking lot to try and find a motorcycle, automobile or bicycle to get away for the angry public, mob, revolutionaries, freedom fighters, i.e., upset citizens coming through the front gates.


Communists and Fascists Governments looked good on paper. They appear to try and put everyone on an equal footing.


However, the reality is that the theoretical “utopian” governments were really just a re-working of the European feudal system because invariably the peasant classes end up poor at the bottom and the wealthy like cream rises to the top.


There might be a middle class in a communist or fascist government, but, there are so many people at the bottom it is hard to notice anyone in the middle.


Democracy doesn’t have all the answers. But, a democracy allows citizens to feel “engaged” and “a part of the system.” A democracy attempts to provide peaceful ways to bring “change” into the continuing system.


The beauty of democracy over other forms of government is democracy, for all it’s human flaws, tries to make sure everyone gets a shot to pay their own way and make something out of your life that you can be proud of.


Religions Survive



Government is composed of humans and we flawed humans make mistakes.


No governent is perfect.


Religion likewise is composed of humans. Humans in religion makes mistakes as well as the secular humans.


No religion is perfect.


The Czech Republic does not have to worry – Religions never die.


Religions might change over time because they stand the test of time.


People always need to sense a connection beyond the Real World. Religions always find a way to survive, even if they have to change their form and fashion.


Religion always provide a comforting mythology to world weary humans.






Czech Republic’s deal with religious groups signed

By KAREL JANICEK | Associated Press –


Did a Secret Vatican Report on Gay Sex and Blackmail Bring Down the Pope?

By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire –;_ylt=Aku_KJHgfL_Sk9k.TrG7Tv87Xs8F;_ylu=X3oDMTQzMGpkN3Q2BG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBVU1NGIFJlbGlnaW9uU1NGBHBrZwNjMDg3ZWVhNy1jYWJmLTMxYjItYjY5Zi1iM2Y5Yjc3MDQ4MzgEcG9zAzYEc2VjA3RvcF9zdG9yeQR2ZXIDYzQyZDBhODAtN2QwOS0xMWUyLWJiNWYtM2I0YWZhYTE1ZTZm;_ylg=X3oDMTJiNGJoYWV1BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAN1LXN8cmVsaWdpb24EcHQDc2VjdGlvbnMEdGVzdANONFVfY29yZWFwaQ–;_ylv=3



History of Czechoslovakia (1948–1989)


Written by samwarren55

February 23, 2013 at 4:48 PM

Posted in archbishop, archdiocese, Business, cardinal, Catholic, Christianity, Current Events, God, Government, Heaven, Metaphysical, Muslim, Mythology, New Age, News, Pagan, Politics, Pope, Priests, Prophets, Protestant, Religion, Spiritual, Vatican

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